Collagen is a human protein made by fibroblast cells in the dermis layer of the skin. Skin is supported by underlying collagen and elastin, because these proteins are responsible for the tightness, elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Research proves that during the course of the aging process, especially after the age of 30, the skin loses its ability to produce the collagen protein. As a consequence lines and fine wrinkles appear.
Pure, non-laser red light stimulates the body’s own natural process to form new collagen and elastin proteins.
The best type of light is to be found at a wavelength of 633 nanometres. This type of red light reaches the deepest layer of the skin, delivering energy to the cells to stimulate a response from the body to use the energy itself. Therefore this rejuvenation method is far more effective to increase the production of collagen protein compared to using collagen creams. Because these creams only reach the top layer of the skin and do not get through to the lower dermis layer where the collagen is produced.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy
Renewal of collagen and elastin fibres
Most of you likely realize that collagen and elastin are the two proteins that naturally exist in your skin as a structural support. Collagen is responsible for keeping skin plump. Elastin is considered an essential building block of the fibrous tissue that keeps skin flexible and elastic. As you age, your skin loses some of its elasticity and firmness.
Some of this is due to the loss and breakdown of collagen in the dermal layer of your skin. Collagen light therapy reaches the deepest layer of the skin, the dermis layer, and this is the place where the production of the collagen protein takes place. Due to collagen light therapy, the production of the collagen protein is activated.
More collagen and elastin protein will be made, which will give your skin a boost in its structural support.B.A. Russell, N. Kellett & L. R. Reilly.
Smoothens the skin
Research reports that your skin feels smoother after taking collagen light sessions. In the assessment of overal tone, softness, smoothness, clarity and firmness of the skin in the treatment area, the majority of people reported improvements in all these elements at all the time-points during the research.
B.A. Russel, N. Kellett & L.R. Reilly, Oregon USA, Edinburgh &
Liverpool UK.
Oxygenation and detoxification of the skin
Red light at 633 nanometres increases the transfer of energy between your skin’s light absorbing molecules. The activated molecules cause your skin to react by increasing the oxygenation and detoxification of your skin.
Tiina Karu, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Reduces deposits of cellulite
Research studies show that collagen light therapy is very effective for skin rejuvenation, but also for skin care including decreasing cellulites. Due to increasing oxygenation and detoxification of your skin and because your blood circulation is being stimulated by the use of collagen light therapy, your skin will be smoothened and cellulite will become less visible.
Pres. Prof. Kim Jin Wang MD, PhD, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
Scientific research studies have proven that red light at 633 nanometres helps decreasing skin conditions like
cellulite or adiposes edematosa. The fat within the connective tissue that cause cellulite becomes less when
taking collagen light sessions.
Improvement of the skin’s moisture retention, suppleness and firmness
Due to the increase in collagen and elastin fibres, your skin will become more firm and your skin’s moisture retention will be increased.
B.A. Russel, N. Kellett & L.R. Reilly
Reduces pore size
As time goes on and the skin loses its elasticity and tightness, pore size may seem to increase. The skin is not pulled back as tightly anymore, so the indentations in the skin become more obvious. Without support from the collagen and elastin in your skin, the pores expand. The key to minimizing your pore size is to keep the your skin clean so keep pores oil-and-dirt-free and increase your collagen and elastin levels so your skin will get its support back.
Dr. D. Jaliman, New York Dermatologist, USA.
Reduces skin spots
Collagen light therapy decreases age spots, sunspots, and other discoloration of the skin. The color of your skin gets toned. Age spots - known as liver spots, though they have nothing to do with the liver - are caused by a coagulating amount of melanin in your skin. Collagen light therapy triggers the body’s natural skin renewal process. As collagen is rebuilt, age spots and other pigmented areas begin to dissappear.
Fabien Baez, & Laurence R. Reilly, International Center for
Cosmetic Medicine, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Feel Good
Due to the exposure to bright light, your body boosts the production of the hormone Serotonin. This is the body’s natural happy hormone. That is why we tend to feel happier and more energetic during summer. Periods of sun or exposure to bright light can stave off moderate depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - also called Winter Blues - which is an depression specifically caused by lack of light. Bright light treatment results in a statistically significant reduction in depression. Bright light does help severely depressed people feel better, and it works faster than a standard treatment of drugs or psychotherapy.
Dr. Daniel F. Kripke, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
California, San Diego.
When enjoying a relaxing bright light collagen session you can let your thoughts run freely, while enjoying the warmth of the collagen session. After the session you will feel more energetic and light-hearted. You will think more clearly and have a faster reaction time.
Helps weight loss
The same Serotonin hormone suppresses your appetite. Higher levels of Serotonin in our bodies not only make us feel happier, but it also suppresses our appetite. An example is that most people eat less in warmer weather.
L. Lohmeier, PhD, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, USA.
Research has proven that patients with obesity that have been given increased levels of Serotonin during a research period of 24 weeks, decreased their food intake and therefore lost weight.
G.A. Bray, et al, NAASO, USA.
Relieve pain
The warmth of the collagen lamps make muscles more flexible and are an aid for myalgia. It eases stiffness, and works as a pain reliever in case of rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pain.
Dr. H. J. Van der Rhee; Dr. E. De Vries of the Erasmus Medisch
Centrum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Stimulates blood circulation
Collagen light sessions increase oxygenation and detoxification in our skin, mainly due to the energy that will be transferred through our skin cells in the dermis layer. Research has proven that this also leads to a better blood circulation of our body. Collagen light therapy increases circulation by relaxing the blood vessels in the treated areas, allowing the blood to flow more easily. This further helps to prevent and treat wrinkles as increased circulation encourages the production of new skin cells.
With the depth of penetration and absorption obtained with light at 633 nanometers there is absorption in all skin cells at all levels, including blood vessel endothelial cells and erythrocytes.R. Glen Calderhead, MSc, Japan Phototherapy Laboratory,
Tokyo Japan.
Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles and leads to visible anti aging
The renewal of the collagen and elastin cell production causes fine lines in the skin to disappear and wrinkles to become less visible.
Seung Yoon Lee at al, Department of Dermatology, National
Medical Center, Republic of Korea.
Due to all the benefits, collagen light therapy causes your skin to restore its youthful radiance and appearance, which results in visible anti-aging. You will look and feel younger!